Book proposal goes live!

Summer was as busy as ever. Family visited from afar, teenagers grew tall, and music was played. No great photos of the creek to share, sadly. I barely had time to fish or kayak. But in terms of the Potomac Creek: Portraits of Life on a Southern Farm manuscript, tangible forward progress was made.

A moment to savor: This week, my literary agent will start circulating my book proposal, comprised of a 20-page proposal and three sample chapters, totaling 83 pages.  This may well be the most optimistic stage of the process (although acquiring an agent was rewarding, too). At this sunny pre-departure point, the fluffy white clouds of uncertainty looming over my head show no signs of rain. There are no rejections or disappointments, yet. Luckily, my mind is monopolized by work and entertainments: teaching undergrad courses, running a fellowship, playing and practicing for gigs, watching American football, and, of course, family, with its tae kwon do lessons and little emergencies. (On the latter front, we've had COVID and an emergency appendectomy just in the last week.)

Manuscript-wise, what comes next cannot be known, even by my wonderful agent. But here's a pic of what is -- and that's enough for right now. Steady, incremental progress. Here's hoping a clever publisher with discerning taste opens their email next week and fills in the blanks.

The weather is cooling, day by day. The woods are mostly quiet again. Wish me luck!


R. Singh


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