Top 100 Nature Blogs and Websites (and hello Singapore!)
Visits to this blog have been increasing steadily since I started it in fall 2022. This is very gratifying, of course, especially since I really don't know what I'm doing!
I don't try to make money off my blog. As it says in my bio, Potomac Creek is for trying out ideas for the book manuscript. But there are others who would like to monetize my blog. I'm still unclear on how the whole business works (advice is welcome in "comments"), but the pay-to-play aggregator service Feedspot is one of them.
For now, Feedspot has placed my blog in the #45 position on its list of "100 Best Nature Blogs and Websites." I'm way too wily to believe any of this. But it sounds nice, and a little encouragement -- even if it's driven by a desire for profit -- helps now and then!
So, thanks Feedspot.
At this still relatively early stage in the development of Potomac Creek, one thing in particular puzzles me greatly: The blog's analytics indicate more visits in the last seven days from Singapore than from anywhere else, including the United States, where I'm located. Why? That's about as far from Potomac Creek as one can get. If a friendly Singaporean can tell me what's going on I'd be most grateful.
Till then, hello Singapore -- where my lovely wife was born. I'd love to visit some time!
Update: Apparently, I'm in fine company as non-human Singapore bots are crawling all over many other blogs and websites. Some 40% of internet traffic is believed to be bot traffic. See, I told you I'm a newbie.
Singapore skyline, aka Bot-town (Wikipedia) |
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